Minding the Mind

Vandana P Jain
3 min readMay 6, 2021


Doom and gloom chatter on social media can leave us feeling anxious and down.

Here are some personally tried and tested ways that I have learnt from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that always help me free my mind, manage stress levels and brush off negativity.

Get Busy! Whether cleaning up the house, organizing the closet or completing that unfinished project, getting busy to do helpful and productive work makes a huge impact on our state of mind. The focus shifts from brooding and worry to action and achieving goals. Being helpful to yourself and others brings a sense of purpose and accomplishment and raises self esteem.

Get Spontaneous! Try doing something totally unexpected and different to get the mind out of its anxious and negative rut. Listen to music, dance, cook, pick up a funny book to read, paint. Just do something unexpected!

Follow a Daily Routine! While the idea of routine can seem binding and boring to some, it is routine that brings much needed stability and harmony in life. For a healthful routine, eat, sleep, work and play at appropriate times and keep those times the same everyday. Doing so, our mind and body become stable and strong.

Get Creative! Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says that depression and anxiety happen when our Prana (subtle life force energy) is low and flowing in a downward direction. When we get involved in doing something creative, the flow of Prana switches to moving upwards. The mind is uplifted and freed from negativity.

Soak in Knowledge! What we are facing today is not a unique happening in time and space. Humanity has faced many challenges and overcome them. Immersing in the time tested wisdom of our ancestors, Rishis and Gurus, gives us insights into dealing what we are facing today and makes us able to see life from a bigger perspective. Their wisdom awakens within us a sense of valor and inner strength. For me, reading the Bhagavad Gita brings tremendous inner strength!

Make the mind resilient! One of the greatest skills to develop in life is the ability to manage the mind and keep it pleasant and fresh. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has said that “A strong mind can carry a weak body but a weak mind cannot carry even a strong body.” So how to strengthen the mind? Through time tested techniques of Pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya and Yoga Sadhana. These techniques have been practiced for millenia and have made many people live well adjusted, fruitful lives.

How to learn this life altering skill of Yoga? Yoga is learnt under a Guru who traces his/her lineage to the most ancient of the great Yogis and Yoginis. These greats cognized the knowledge of life and existence and passed it down generation after generation for the benefit of all of humanity.

The path of yoga is a sure shot way to uplift the mind and make it strong and resilient. Yoga unites all aspects of our being enabling us to realize our highest potential.

May all be peaceful and healthy! May we all realize our highest potential!



Vandana P Jain

Meditator, Mom, Wife, Teacher, Writer, Quality Analyst & A Well Wisher to All!