Vandana P Jain
2 min readMar 29, 2020

Are We Ready for it?

This piece came into being in response to a friend’s question, why doesn’t a Baba or Guru solve this problem of Coronavirus? If they would do it, there would be no need for virology


What is happening now is the process by which change and transformation happens. Our western educated mind likes to think in compartments…virology, physics, chemistry, statistics, spirituality…however, in reality there is no distinction. Nothing happens outside the purview of the spirit. If virology finds a cure, it is because of the spirit, if a baba or a Guru solves the problem, it is also because of the spirit. In our indigenous Indian knowledge systems, we believe that knowledge comes to those who are worthy of it or ready for it. We will only surmount this problem once we become worthy of the solution to reveal itself. Another view is that the answer already exists — we just have to live it through proper lifestyle practices. But first we will need to reap what we have sown because that is necessary for our growth, learning, transformation and evolution to happen. This is why we must confront our actions, behavior and thinking without prejudice and bias (conscious and subconscious) seeing them for what they are. When we see things as they are, we will be able to solve problems else we will keep stirring the water and make it more murky and be lost. There is a reason why this virus has emerged and when we are worthy of being free from it, we will be- that is the reality of it.

The only thing we can DO is keep making ourselves worthy- by maintaining the integrity of our innate intelligence, by not letting this intelligence get compromised and reconnecting with it whereever and whenever it does get undermined or forgotten. Perhaps this is why it is necessary to practice Yoga. Yoga makes us worthy vessels to receive knowledge; to see truth. This is why it is necessary to keep prana levels high and sattvik energy raised. It keeps the intruments of our body and mind tuned in to innate intelligence. One who has a spiritual sadhana will understand this because they have become worthy vessels for this knowledge to reveal itself!

As my guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says and I paraphrase from my understanding- We must keep the window open ready for the sunlight to stream in when the sun comes up. In its own time, the sun will come up for sure but if our widnow is closed or has dirty glass (stress, memories, concepts) or is too small, we won’t we able to receive sun’s light well. Yoga gives us a wide, big open window to let the light in!

Vandana P Jain

Meditator, Mom, Wife, Teacher, Writer, Quality Analyst & A Well Wisher to All!